Saturdays are Ferda… Farmers Markets!

Good morning!

My favorite thing about Saturdays in the summer is the farmers market on 14th street. Twice a week (also on Tuesdays) these farmers drive an hour (or more) to Hoboken and set up shop to sell their locally grown produce. There are at least 3 produce groups that bring their vegetables to the market and all three of them have some similar yet very different offerings. How do you make a decision on who to buy vegetables from?

It is a multistep approach where you ask…. Where are you located? How long have you guys been open? What challenges do you face as a farmer (well I ask this question myself). But if some of these veggies are the same at three farms, what will make you purchase from one group than the other? And this is just with markets, we haven’t even included the grocery stores (Shoprite, Kings, Acme, etc), specialty food stores (Basic foods, Aspen market), or even Whole Foods.

The same type of questions appears when selecting a workout program. In Hoboken, residents have the amazing opportunity to have multiple choices. Most training programs are similar in that they get your heart rate up and get you sweaty all with the hope of improving your health or getting you to achieve your fitness goals. Ultimately the way you should be picking the program that is the best fit for you is to just walk in through the door, get to know the farmer (coach) and see how they can help you.

Prior to jumping in and making a commitment to any one program, the team at Hudson River Fitness will sit down and talk with you about your goals. From there, we will create a customized plan for you that will help fit both your goals and your schedule. Consider it a way for us to guide you every single step of the way towards improved health. If that is the type of experience you are looking for, then book a no sweat intro with us today.

If you are looking for something different, that is perfectly fine. Again, just like there are many options to buy vegetables and everyone has their own reasons to where and what they purchase, you have the choice of joining whatever gym you’d like.

Stay tuned for the @Hudsonriverfitness instagram to check out the Austin Downtown Farmer’s Market.



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