Does your back hurt?

Good morning,

I hope you had a great weekend. If you missed the post on social media last week one of our clients, Amparo, made some amazing changes! In a few months, she dropped 34lbs of fat, gained 3.5lbs of muscle and dropped 12% of body fat! This was all while she had a low back injury early on in the program. We are so proud of her progress and wanted to share with you that it is possible for you to achieve your goals even with an injury!

What separates her success from others is that when she did experience pain, she reached out to the coaches and voiced her concerns. We discussed a plan of action so that progress can still be made while healing from the pain. A few weeks in with a couple of workout modifications, Amparo is stronger than ever, with less pain and is still keeping on with the workouts!

You don’t have to do this journey alone. In fact, it is encouraged that you communicate with someone about your challenges, whether it be schedule, timing, or even injuries. The staff here at Hudson River Fitness have the knowledge to help you work around your limitations, and will help you overcome them.

If you have a low back issue, there are many ways for us to help you. Now, if you are in so much pain that you are unable to move, hit up my friend Dr. Jonathan Zaid over at Excel Physical Therapy. He’ll take care of you and get you back into activity in no time!  However, if you feel like you can proceed with exercise and comfortable with it, here are some ways to add activity into your daily life so that you can get closer to your goals:

  1. Work on your legs! If squats don’t feel the greatest on your back, switch it up to single legged work like lunges and step ups. This is a great way to add resistance without putting a ton of pressure on your back while working out.

  2. Address your upper body! Include exercises like pushups, ring rows, and anything overhead. Consider every exercise as a core exercise and upper body work is no exception. Squeeze your abs and get those arms moving!

  3. Switch up any rowing movement with biking (for now). If you have access to an airdyne bike or what we have here at the gym, the assault bike. This upright posture combined with arm movements will for sure get your heart rate up like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

  4. Work on your hip flexibility. If you have tight hips, they will often translate over to tightness and pain in the low back. Check out the videos at this link for some more reference.

  5. Talk with a coach. Your coaches are here to help you. Don’t let this injury stop you from making progress towards your goals. In fact, movement is often really beneficial to low back pain. Just make sure that you are clear on what you are experiencing so that the coach can provide the best option for you.

As you can see, we do have a lot of options available to you. Amparo is living proof that we are able to help you even when you aren’t feeling the greatest. So if you are ready to make a change and would like some help getting closer to your goals, book your free no sweat intro with us today. This 15-20 minute sit down meeting will help us come up with a plan of action that will work for you. Whether it be private training, nutrition coaching, group fitness or the combination of these, we will help you make a change!

Talk soon,


PS- Reply with “tell me more” to learn about our small group/semi private training (less than 4 people) options! This is great for people who want to have the flexibility of private training, but also want to work alongside their closest friends as they pursue a new chapter in their health.

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