My wife discovered this in Amsterdam

About 3 months ago, my wife traveled to Amsterdam for work and she came back with a new favorite drink. Not quite sure what the name of it was, but we call it a “Dutch Tea”. It’s a simple recipe, super tasty, and actually quite good for you!

Here’s how to make it:

  1. One stick of cinnamon

  2. One wedge or wheel of lemon

  3. Optional: drop of honey

  4. Add hot water to top it off

This is a perfect ‘anytime’ beverage. If you’re cold, its a great way to warm up without any extra caffeine. You can also add ice to make it a warm weather beverage as well.

Here are some of the health benefits of adding more cinnamon to your day:

  1. Full of antioxidants

  2. Controls blood sugar

  3. Can boost immunity

Adding lemon to your foods and beverages can also result in boosted immunity (with vitamin C), and can improve digestive health!

If you’re feeling pretty bored with what your currently drinking, then add this to your lineup. You’ll be happy you did.

Let us know what you think about this new beverage! Also, we would love to hear about your favorite cold weather drinks!



If you’re a mom or mom to be, we’ll be hosting a pelvic floor physical therapy seminar on February 29th at 11:15am. This will be after the SLAM Hoboken workout class at 10:15. Learn all about the care for your pelvic floor with Dr. Judith Meer of the Pelvic PT. You can rsvp at this link.

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