Exercises for Sciatica

What are the best strengthening exercises for sciatica? We need to figure out what muscles need work, why they’re weak and the best way to find the right exercises for you.

Squat- https://youtu.be/T91HVqcb4J4

Hinge- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATNIc5ufAh4

Goodmorning- https://youtu.be/Rf4-nvkvKdU

Check out our favorite products! (affiliate page): https://ifixyoursciatica.gymleadmachine.co/favorite_products Did you know that our YouTube channel has a growing number of videos including this podcast? Give us a follow here- https://youtube.com/@fixyoursciatica?si=1svrz6M7RsnFaswN

Are you looking for a more affordable way to manage your pain? Check out the patient advocate program here: ptpatientadvocate.com

Here’s the self cheat sheet for symptom management: https://ifixyoursciatica.gymleadmachine.co/self-treatment-cheat-sheet-8707

Book a free strategy call: https://msgsndr.com/widget/appointment/ifixyoursciatica/strategy-call


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