Vitamin E and Pain Management

Vitamin E supports your immune system, improves circulation, and aids in the healing process. It has antioxidant properties while regulating gene expression and other metabolic functions. But Vitamin E may also ease back pain and soreness by helping to repair damaged tissue. 

Preliminary studies have shown that Vitamin E can help mediate the inflammatory response and protect tissues from damage against oxidative stress. It’s even been shown that Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve pain. 

So how can you get your hands on it? Turns out there’s a multitude of ways to include this into your diet. There’s olive oil or wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, avocados, spinach, and broccoli. For something a little bit more seasonal, try butternut squash. 

Comment below if you’re looking for more ways to incorporate Vitamin E into your regimen.


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