5 Ways joining Hudson River Fitness will save you money!

As January 1st, 2020 approaches, you are probably evaluating not only your health and fitness goals, but also your financial goals for the upcoming year. The cost of a program can often be put under a magnifying glass, however, the financial benefits from joining an effective fitness plan often gets overlooked. Here are 5 ways that Hudson River Fitness will actually save you money upon joining. (Read all the way to the bottom for a special offer, that we’ve never done before!)

1) Mental Acuity

Multiple studies have shown that exercise improves cognitive ability. In his book “Spark” Dr. John Ratey shows how exercise helps improve focus, fight depression and make better decisions. A sharp mind gives a professional the ability to think through projects, and the entrepreneur the space to develop new ideas, or create a new line of revenue.

2) Energy and Immunity

People who work out regularly are more productive at work than those who don’t, according to research published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. They also have less sick days. Physical fitness builds immunity and reduces many major health risks. Absences and decreased productivity can mean lost opportunities for advancement and lower-income. Bosses often look unfavorably upon those who are frequently out of work.

How much difference does one promotion make over a career? A study in the Journal of Labor Research found that men who work out regularly make 6% more than their sedentary counterparts on average. For women, the numbers are higher. Women who work out regularly make 10% more on average than those who don’t.

3) Health Care

A 2012 study by the Journal of the American Heart Association showed a savings of $2500 per year for people that got adequate exercise adjusting that for health care cost rise of 5% per year (estimated) gives a 2019 savings of $3500.

Taking this a step further at Hudson River Fitness we have routinely seen folks stop taking medicines because their symptoms have gone away. This is in agreement with their doctors and usually after achieving body composition and health goals. Some examples of the cost of a 30 day dose include Statins used to treat high cholesterol ($36-$600) , Metformin (extended) used to treat diabetes- $235-$1200, Xanax to treat anxiety $60-$100. Most folks have health insurance, but are still paying co-pays on these drugs.

4) Clothing

You may spend less on clothes. The average adult will gain about 2 lbs a year from their 20s through their 50s. What this means is that many of us have about 3 sets of clothes in our closet. What we currently wear, and what we hope to wear in the future (probably one or two sizes smaller). When our clients are consistent and establish good nutritional patterns we see them drop clothing sizes or have their current clothes fit better. One caveat…you won’t be buying bigger clothes, but you may drop some bucks on some new outfits!

5) Spend less on Fast Food

Seventy percent of Americans eat fast food three times per week at an average cost of $12.50 per meal. Our clients who work on establishing healthy nutrition patterns routinely cut that in half by planning ahead and preparing healthy, nutritious meals and snacks. An average savings of $18 per week is another $950 in savings.

As you can see, these are just a few of the financial benefits of joining a program like ours.

Most clients who want to get started with our group class option begin with what is called the “Kickstart” or onboarding program. This is a 3 private training session series that’s used to prepare you to get the most out of the class workouts. The actual investment for this program is $330. However, we are doing our first ever group onboarding program beginning on January 6th (Monday) and will continue on January 8th (Wednesday) and January 10th (Friday) at 7:15am. This group onboarding will actually save you $100 for a total investment of $230.

If you always wanted to get started but couldn’t quite swing the investment of the first three sessions, this is the program for you. Reserve your spot by registering at this link! We are capping enrollment for the first 10 people!

Not quite sure if you are ready for group training? No worries, we can still go with our private training program too! The team here at Hudson River Fitness is here to help you be successful regardless of fitness ability or experience! Want to hear more about how we can help you? Book your free no sweat intro phone call at this link.

Have a great day!



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