Your search Results
Here is what we found..
Do planks really help with your back pain?
Ashley Mak
January 22, 2020
The answer is not what you think!
What can the Squatty Potty tell us about ourselves?
Ashley Mak
January 21, 2020
You’ll be surprised!
And that’s when I chugged a whole bottle in one sitting…
Ashley Mak
January 6, 2020
Are you drinking enough water?
Are you not feeling like yourself anymore?
Ashley Mak
January 2, 2020
Don’t be limited by your age!
What do Drew Barrymore and Kerry Washington have in common?
Ashley Mak
December 31, 2019
Read more to learn how you can make your 40s the best decade ever!
It’s hard to ignore this when you’re in your 40s…
Ashley Mak
December 30, 2019
Turning 40 is just the beginning!
How to recover from a muscle strain
Ashley Mak
December 28, 2019
Strained a muscle? Read about how to recover and return to activity safely!
5 Ways joining Hudson River Fitness will save you money!
Ashley Mak
December 26, 2019
Special offer inside!
We’re no longer in our 20’s (part 2)
Ashley Mak
December 24, 2019
Training priorities change as we age, and they are different between men and women!