How to clean your dogs paws when you have back pain.

The other day my wife and I walked our neighbors dog on a dirt road by our house. It rained the night before, so her ...
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How to carry dog food when you have back pain

The most common food for dogs is dry food. They come in large bags and can be pretty heavy. If you have back issues, carrying ...
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Picking up your dog without having back pain

Some dogs are meant to be picked up. Regardless of the size, your low back pain should not stop you from caring and showing love ...
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Walking your dog when you have back pain

A dog can add some gentle physical activity into your day. They love being outside and it’s an opportunity for you to walk on a ...
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Picking up dog poop when you’re in pain

It’s our responsibility to pick up after our dog. It’s not an issue when you are pain free, but it can be extremely challenging and ...
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First action for dog owners with back pain

Owning a dog brings so many joys to life. However, if you have back pain, caring for these little ones can be challenging and burdensome. ...
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The best stretches after cycling

It’s easy to go right back into your day after a 60 minute workout on a spin bike. However, if you have back issues, this ...
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The best stretches before cycling/spinning

What are the best stretches before spinning if you have low back pain? I share with you my top 3 favorite techniques to ensure that ...
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How to cycle/spin without back pain

Setting up your spin bike can only get you so far in helping with your low back pain. I share with you 5 action steps ...
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The optimal set up for cycling with back pain

You can stretch and exercise all you want to minimize your low back pain. However, if the setup on the spin bike isn’t allowing you ...
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